Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Target Marketing for MLM Business.

If you are marketing for MLM business what do you suffer from? Simple, Lack of leads, Cash flow and Training. Your 1st objective is to generate leads and make money quickly. Forget about the cold calling, bugging family and friends and home meetings, as your mentor may have told you.

What percentage of people will actually buy into your primary product after you pitch your business to them? The product, compensation plan or the benefits, does not really matter as 95% of people will never join your primary business anyway. Surprising isn't it? No matter if you are a sales guru.

If you are one of those marketers that's about to quit your opportunity, because you think that the product is too difficult to sell, please don't. You will just be dumping your hard earned marketing money down the drain. Generally, it's not the product, it's your way of marketing for MLM that needs to change. Let me show you a smart way to have positive cash flow with roughly 3-5 leads a day, if you attract targeted buyers to you, that are ready to buy.

Have you ever heard of a funded proposal? It is a way in which you sell an inexpensive, but useful informational product that provides a solution to internet marketers. At the same time it, enables you to stay in the business financially long enough and generate cash flow when they buy the product from you. E-books,tapes, CDs, training, etc would be great examples.

So, in other words, you get paid, even when people don't join your team!

Here are 5 benefits of using this system to market.

  • The high sales rate of an informational product will produce cash flow instantly. No more leaving money on the table because 95% of your potential prospects did not join your primary opportunity.
  • Sponsoring an existing customer is easier than trying to convince a stranger.Don't sell your prospects on a business opportunity the first time you meet. Befriend them and Build trust by selling them an inexpensive information product first, that works!
  • Position yourself as a leader and an expert, not a beggar.You build respect, because you have offered a solution to their problems.
  • Get a chance to train and educate your prospects. They are likely to become your future business partners, instead of just selling them on hype. Make them better business owners from the start.
  • The new reps you sign up will give you an instant cash flow. Once you show them in turn how to market and they start to see the money, they will be motivated to take massive action and market more. Don't you hate it when your newly signed up reps leave because they are not making money?

This is how the top marketers make things happen.They promote everything, but their primary MLM. They market information, which pays for their advertising, and serves as a never-ending source of free leads for their network business.
Another important fact is that these internet or network marketers are people ready to buy, because their business is failing and they can probably afford to pay less than $50 for a solution product to grow their business. Your target market has just been identified! Wouldn't you agree this is a win win for everyone?

If you would like to know more about attracting your target market, and marketing for MLM, business, click on the link above. See you at the top.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How to build online business without bugging family and friends.

Face the fact.When you join your primary opportunity, you will not earn any money until you build your business. The first thing you are told is to make a list of all your family and friends. Are you in for a surprise! First of all, your friends will start to ignore you and then you loose contact. Majority of your family will not even take you seriously, and if they buy from you, it might be just because they want to help.

Once your family and friends are out of the picture, your mentor or team leader will tell you to go to everyone you do business with, for example your barber/hairdresser, your mechanic, etc. You may also be told to host meetings in hotels or at your house, send out invitations, however, you may have only 1 or 2 people show up, if any. I've seen marketers burn through their marketing budget in no time advertising the wrong way. The next thing you will do is quit because you lost faith in yourself. Sounds familiar? So what do you do?

Let me let you on a little secret. How about looking for the people who actually need your help? Start looking for opportunity buyers, not opportunity seekers. Opportunity seekers are not sure of what they want and may not buy at all, whearas, opportunity buyers have bought before and will buy again, since they have a true desire or need your product. You must position yourself as a leader or problem solver to build their online business and attract these buyers to you. In other words, an expert who provides solutions to your target market.
Can you sell steak to a vegetarian?!!

So again, who do you market to? Those who have purchased a similar product or service before, or people actively searching for your product or service today.
Your target market are network marketers. This group already believes in the business model. They have spent money in the industry, they want to succeed and are willing and eager to purchase anything that will make them successful. See the difference with this example. Placing an ad in major newspapers looking for people who would like to play professional tennis and interview them, or going to the people who already play professional tennis and market to them. If you want to make your life easy and fun, stay within your target market!

Now, how do you find these network marketers that are already in the business or are looking to buy into it? Basically advertising the right way. Place ads in industry journals, work at home magazines, Facebook, Google, etc, as long as you promote a “complete generic solution”. Advertising your primary opportunity will drain your bank account. Remember, other networker’s don’t care about your business, as they most likely already have one. They just want to know how to recruit customers, build their own downline and make money.

To get results, remember, Position yourself as a leader and sell your marketing solution system.
If you would like to get more details on the solution, there are 6 target markets to build online business, you need to know about.

What has been your own building your business experience?

Monday, November 15, 2010

12 Powerful, yet Simple Goal Setting Steps.

By the end of this article,you need to use the steps to set your personal, professional and relationship goals.


You must first of all have a strong and personal burning desire to achieve your goal without any fear. Whatever you think about, plan around and desire continuously, will grow until it becomes so strong that it pushes away all your doubts. (Make sure they are positive thoughts!) You need to get to the point where you eat, drink, live, and sleep with your goal until your subconscious mind gets a hold of it. Your desire becomes Burning when nothing on earth can stop you from achieving success.

Your goal has to be believable at first. You must also have faith that you will achieve it. For example, don’t set a goal to loose 30 pounds in 2 weeks. Instead tell yourself that you will loose 5 pounds in the next 2 weeks. After you have lost the 1st 5 pounds, then set a new goal for another 5 pounds and so on. Make it gradual and intensify it as you meet your goals.

Write your Goal down to intensify your desire. It must be clear as day, exactly as you would like to see it in reality. Leave no detail out. Don’t spend time worrying about how it will be accomplished or the process just yet. I will expand on this at the end of the article.

Write down what you will benefit from achieving your goal. How much satisfaction will you receive? Do you crave respect and recognition? Do you want to be a motivator? Do you desire to help people? The more reasons you have, the more motivated you will be to succeed.

Analyze your starting point. For example, how much do I weigh now, or how much am I worth today? This way you can measure your progress as you go along.

Set a deadline for tangible and measurable goals, as personality or character goals may take longer. From a 6 month plan, for example, set a mini goal of 3 months to another mini goal of 1 month and so on. If you miss your deadline, don’t be disappointed. Just set another one. It means you are not fully ready yet.

Make a list of all obstacles that stand between you and your goal. From the biggest to the least and work to overcome them. Focus on the biggest one first and find out if there is something you have to do with yourself to overcome it, if it is an internal issue or do you have to change your environment, because it is external.

Identify the additional knowledge you will need to reach your goal, acquire more skills and overcome the obstacles you listed above. Utilize for example books, seminar,webinar,a consultant, etc.

Make a list of the people’s help or cooperation you will need in the process. For example, your family, your boss, etc. Make sure these people are compensated in order for them to help you reach your goal. Do more than is expected for them.

Make a plan. Write out in detail what you want, when you want it, where you are starting from, and the people that will help you achieve it. You now have all the information from the steps above. List all activities from 1st to last in order of priority in your plan. Your plan may have defects, but you can always amend it in the process, till you have a plan that works.

Visualize the plan clearly as if the goal has already been achieved. Replay it over and over again to believe it and make it a part of your subconscious mind. Look for the link at the end of this article that will show you exactly how.

Do something every day to meet your goal and give yourself a pat on the back for small victories. Make a decision to never give up. As long as you refuse to quit, you will eventually succeed!

Click on this link to find out the missing ingredient on how to visualize your goals, and make the 12 powerful, yet simple goal setting steps work for you in making your dreams, a reality.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Positive Thinking Exercise by Dyllis Nicol

Thinking positive is one thing we all wish we can do but almost all fail to accomplish. I came across some information recently that struck me as a vital piece of information that needed to be shared immediately.By the end of this article, you would have discovered and have access to a positive thinking exercise that would help you change your way of thinking. The information I stumbled upon, was based on this theme.

"Make a decision from the place you want to be, instead of the place that you are!"

As you all know, thinking positive is a very common problem that most of us fight with every day. I strongly believe what you are about to discover will help all those interested, to finally make that mental shift with their thoughts. How many times have you heard that everything starts with the mind?

Where are you today? Are you thinking broke,living paycheck to paycheck,absolutely hating every minute of your 9-5 stressful day and some with fear that you might get laid off soon! If you don't make a positive change now and stop living in this negative mental state, you will always be in this mental state, and your thoughts might just come true!

Let's say for example,you are living paycheck to paycheck, and a $400 opportunity came up that was guaranteed to make you more money. 10 chances to one you are going to say, I don't have the money. I will buy it when I have it. In actual fact, you will never buy the product because you will never have the money until you change your way of thinking.

On the other hand, if your child had to do a $40,000 surgery,you will not just tell yourself, I don't have the money. You will beg, borrow,tell your story to all who will listen and sympathize with you and have them donate, etc... Believe me you will find a way! So how is this different from the $400?

What would break you free from your troubles today? Would it be for example, a $10,000 income monthly? Then act, and think like you are earning $10,000 a month now and attract it to yourself. If you are making this income, would you think twice about a mere $400 that would make you more money? Of course not!

Did you know that there are people making 10 times more than that in one month? Your homework would be to find them and see how they think and learn what they would do when they face tough situations.

So how do you break free? Let's take a look at this example of a positive thinking exercise.

Have you ever heard of the 4 minute mile story? For thousands of years, people held the belief that it was impossible to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. In 1954 Roger Bannister broke this belief barrier. He achieved the impossible, not just by physical practice, but constantly rehearsing the event in his mind with so much emotional intensity that he created unquestioned references to his nervous system to produce this result. The greatest aspect though is what this did for others, because within one year of Roger breaking the barrier, 37 other runners broke it, and the year after that, 300 other runners did the same thing!

Start acting like you earn the $10,000 monthly now. Fake it, be it and attract it for it to happen.

Get out of your comfort zone! Do you want to stay comfortable and broke or uncomfortable to get what you deserve in life? Your choice! If you would like more information about a positive thinking exercise to attract anything you want in life, an exercise that is Very Simple, Extremely Powerful and Surprising Easy, then click on the link above and discover the secret to your success.

What has been your own positive thinking experience?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Discover the Secret to Affiliate Internet Marketing Training!

Let’s face it! Everyone involved in Affiliate Internet Marketing is in the business to make a living whether it is to make lots of money or just take care of their daily expenses. You must retail or recruit to build a business. All successful marketers have a downline that follows them. However, statistics show that the average marketer earns $10-$40 a month, they recruit less than 3 people in their lifetime, they spend all of their marketing budget advertising the wrong way and end up failing as 99% of affiliate Internet marketers do. Are you one of them?

The problem with your marketing is that 97% of affiliate Internet marketers are all doing the same thing. They are selling facts about, when the company was founded and that they are debt free, they did X amount of sales last year and grew by X% this year, and that have the best comp plan in the industry. Who cares about all that? No one.

People want to know how they can spend more time with their family, cut down and eventually stop the 9-5 stressful work day, and gain financial freedom!

What we need to show them is the means to get there,... the Solution.
Take a look at this quote;

“Nobody, who bought a drill actually wanted a drill. They wanted a hole. Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise information about making holes – NOT information about drills!” – Perry Marshall.

Read the quote again… twice, because this is very powerful.

Now, what does this mean?

It’s so simple. Let’s look at the drill as your primary business opportunity and the hole, your solution. You need to stop pitching your primary opportunity upfront as people are skeptical, as to whether they should spend money on an opportunity that might not even work for them. I know this is how you make your money, however people need a solution to their problems. Your expensive drill can get them the financial freedom they may be looking for.Remember though, that people don’t want to be sold, they want to buy.

So if you can’t sell your business opportunity, which is how you make money, what should you sell?

How about inexpensive information about how to make a hole? If someone really wants to make a hole, they would be more willing to spend just a few dollars to see how quickly and easy it is to create one, right?

So put together a little book or article, on how quick and easy it is to make the hole, and in the book or article, RECOMMEND using your drill,(your opportunity) as the best way to make the hole. (Solution)

Now the prospect is reading the e-book, which recommends your drill, he thinks to himself, I need to buy a drill and I think the author of this book sells them so let me call him and buy it from him... Ah-Ha! What just happened?
The customer was allowed to sell himself on buying your opportunity, because he thinks it was his idea to do so.

Please note that you are not going to make money by selling inexpensive tools. Developing leaders in your market and your customer base is where your focus should be.You will only be successful if you show millions of people how to make their dreams a reality.

If you would like to know more about Affiliate Internet Marketing Secrets, click on the link above and sign up for a series of 7 Free videos expanding on this discovery.

After looking at the videos,come back and comment on how this strategy has been helpful to you, because I know it works!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How a routine task like brushing my teeth at night helped me find a way to change a bad habit in an instant!

There are many things we would like to change in our lives and yet it seems like we simply just can't do it. What do you think is the reason for that? Most times we are told that we do not have enough burning desire to make the change. Sometimes we just cannot figure out what that burning desire really means. How much intensity does it involve? When things do not seem to be working out, 97% of us give up so easily and say, “This is so hard” I just can’t do it. However, the other 3% seem to be able to do it easily. How so?

I recently stumbled upon something I have had under my nose for some time now and once I was able to apply firsthand what I learnt, it worked immediately.

I work late into the night doing research or working on my business and sometimes I am so tired that I am falling asleep at the table. When I do get up, I would head straight for bed, at times without brushing my teeth. Horrible and embarrassing isn’t it? Now, I could have easily solved that by brushing before getting deep into my work, however, I like to be fruit snacking or drinking something while I am working.

I began to think that I must get back to the point when I used to brush, floss and rinse at night daily.

Prior to this I had been reading a chapter in a book about beliefs and this next sentence, which is the most important sentence in this article jumped out at me….

“Pain is the ultimate tool in shifting or changing a habit”

A few years back due to my sweet tooth, I had done extensive work to my teeth, namely crowns, wisdom teeth extraction, scaling and periodontics, fillings, deep cleaning. You name it. I was at the dentist office continuously for about 6 months and even though I had dental insurance, I had to spend quite a bit of money on copays. So let’s go back to pain and beliefs. What do you think happened? I remembered all the money I had spent and I started thinking.

What will it ultimately cost me financially, if I don’t let go of this habit? Will I have to repeat these dental procedures all over again?

Can I go through the physically pain of the numerous shots to numb my gum again and again?

Can I really afford the time to take off my business?

If I don’t take care of my teeth properly, it can lead to other medical issues

By the time I really thought about this and asked my self more questions, I realized that my bad habit had been significantly weakened under scrutiny. I had linked such intense pain to it, that I was able to get rid of the habit for good! Now, I had to replace it with a new habit of course. And guess what! I not only brush my teeth at night again regularly, but I always think of a new idea or a solution when I am brushing my teeth morning or evening. Now, isn’t that amazing how the change occurred in an instant and I found another positive reason to brush!

The funny thing is that when I read the chapter some time ago, I wrote down a few habits that had to change, however, I was not exactly sure how to apply that immense pain to a habit, until I was trying to find a solution for my teeth. In fact thinking more and more about it, makes me realize that I had used this method unconsciously in the past and did not even know it.

If you like this post and you are interested to discover a proven way to use positive affirmations and visualization to reach your goals, then click on the link above.

I hope sharing my experience with you, will be as helpful to you as it was to me.

Have you experienced anything similar in terms of changing a habit that you would like to share in the comment box below?

After commenting, don't forget to subscribe to this blog.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Using SEO to get to the top of Google.

You need to be at the top of google to make money faster online.
Is that not want you want? The more people that go to your site and find it full of value and the help they need, the more conversions you will have and subsequently make more money.

The quickest way to get quality internet leads is through Pay Per Click (PPC). However you need to really know what you are doing before you participate in this form of marketing, otherwise, you would throw away all your marketing money in a flash.

There is another alternative to PPC, where you can get ongoing leads for years to come if you do it right, and all for free! This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These are natural unpaid techniques to improve search engine ranking, increase website traffic, conversions, page rank and your return on investment.(ROI)

A recent study done at Cornell University shows that when people research information in Google, using targeted long tail keywords(which is a sign that they are going to buy), a pattern emerged. The first, second and third spots get 56.36, 13.45 and 9.82% of the clicks. The rest got less than 5% of the clicks and some of those are on page 1. There are 14 billion websites on the net. How on earth are you going to get your site to page one and one of the first 3 spots?

Keyword Research
The first thing you need to do is to find the targeted keyphrase that people are searching for.

Go to google and in the search bar, type google keyword free tool. Click Keyword Tool-Google Adwords and under keywords type for example, dog health. Then go to the keyword ideas section and under sorted by, click on the down arrow by relevance and click estimated average cost per click (cpc) Also, click on views and customize columns. Make sure that the global monthly search and estimated average cpc are checked and save.

You should be seeing these columns among others. Lets look at some of the important ones.

1-------------------------- 2----------------------------- 3------------------------ 4

Keyword------Global monthly search---Estimated Avg. CPC----Value per phrase

Dog health-------201,000----------------------$1.59-----------------------319,500

Dog Allergies------90,500----------------------$3.97-----------------------357,300

From this example you can see that dog allergy advertising is more valuable and has less sites ranking for it according to the global monthly search. (Multiply column 2 by column 3 to get value per phrase)

Of course, there are also onsite factors (everything on the page) and offsite factors (age of domain, etc), which we will look at in another article.

The second thing you want to look at is back-links with the right anchor text. These are highlighted text or images (in blue) that when clicked, take you to a website. If you go to Google and type “click here” on the search bar, notice first that the heading Adobe-Adobe reader is a clickable anchor text.

Also, you will see that Adobe reader is number one. Think of all the websites you have been to that have the phrase “to download Adobe reader, click here”
Can you imagine how many links actually exist?
The number of links to the site put you at the top of Google!

So now that we know that to get to the top of Google, we need to do proper keyword research and have lots of links, how do we put it all together?
The strategy is called Article Marketing!

Steps as to how it’s done.
Write an article about your niche. For example, how to, gossip, product reviews, top 10 tips, 5 things to avoid, etc.
Tip-Have the keyword or phrase as an anchor text linking back to your site in your resource box with possibly 2 links. One to the home page and the other to the sub page, which is the page of your article within your site.

· Rewrite your article creating unique versions rather than spinning, since they don’t always make sense. You will need to do this to get the maximum benefit from this strategy because Google does not like duplicate content. However, you can hire someone to do this for you.

· Publish your articles on Ezine, Uber, Articlesbase, and Go articles, for example.

· Put unique versions of it in many sites that link back to you.

Do it right and have hundreds of backlinks to your site in no time. Rinse and repeat.

Click here if you want to learn more about how to attract qualified prospects who will join your business while you are working your way up to the top of google for more exposure.

Let me know what you think .... Comment below. Subscribe to my newsletter for more marketing information.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Create your future and live in Abundance.

Have you ever fantasized about something that actually came true and in abundance?

I have.

I remember seeing a video last year of Oprah on You tube, the “I surrender all story” about her burning desire to act in “The Color Purple”. (Go look at it) Have you ever wanted something that bad? Oprah did not know anything about the law of attraction, however because she was so attracted to that book, opportunities opened up for her.

My wish came true

When I was a teenager, I had secretly wished for something, fantasized about it and years later,did not realize that it had come true, until people I had never spoken to brought it to my attention!
I thought back to my teenage years and said to myself “Wow, this really does work!


Most of us learning about the law of attraction and abundance have been told to write down our goals, read it out aloud with emotion twice daily. Another way would be to imagine a perfect day in your life for 20 to 30 minutes daily both in the morning and at night.
Napoleon Hill, world-renowned speaker and writer, several times always said, picture yourself already in possession of what you want or think only of the things you want.
In one of his quotes which is my favorite, he says,
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

These formula’s work, however, we have to actually find a way to think of exactly what we want and think of it long and hard enough, to believe that it can be made a reality. How many times within the first 5 minutes of thinking of your perfect day, your thoughts have gone somewhere else?


I must say I am delighted to have found an easy solution, put it in practice and now I want to share it with you. It's about creating something called a Mind Movie. This is a powerful way of manifesting through visualization, by making your own movie of what you want to attract in your life.

Click Abundance
to watch this interview on the law of attraction and visualization, and get access to 6 pre-made mind movies. See how fast you grow once you start watching your own newly created mind movie daily. Even Tony Robbins (acknowledged world expert in the psychology of change) and Frank Kern (self-made millionaire internet marketer) have promoted and endorsed mind movies.

How many of your dreams have come true? Let me know what you think .... Comment below. Subscribe to my newsletter for more internet marketing information.

Friday, April 16, 2010

What happened to my time today?

Time management has been a concern for me and I am sure for many of you out there, after setting your goals. At the end of the week, can you account for what you did? A little here, a little there and before you know it, you have not taken the massive action needed to meet your goals.

Before changing how I handled this problem, I would lay out a guide as to what I needed to do during the week or month, for example. However, I found out that I got distracted very easily. Every day, the first thing I would do, was to log into my e-mail. I would go to my inbox and before I knew it, I had spent hours going through e-mails. By the time I was ready to get to work, I had little or no energy left.

Using recommendations from my mentors (who were all saying the same thing), I am now using a simple system, which has helped me greatly. As long as I stick with this system, I can effectively manage my time.

1) First of all at the end of each day, I would write down my action plan or most important tasks for the next day.

2) The next day, I DO NOT do anything else until I have completed my goal. No e-mails, facebook, twitter, returning phone calls, etc until my list is completed.

That's it guys! Just these 2 simple steps have helped me greatly and I know they will do the same for you, if you apply them in your lives.

How do you effectively manage your time?.... Comment below and subscribe to my newsletter for more self development and internet marketing training. Meanwhile,if you want prospects to come looking for you, with their card in hand, ready to work with you, click here now

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dyllis Nicol’s Social Media Advertising Tips with Facebook

Is Google Adwords draining your Marketing Budget?

You may have been wasting your hard earned money on Adwords.

Do you know that it costs about 25 to 35% less marketing with Facebook?

Facebook, one of the leaders in social media has 400 million members and growing and gets 39 billion page views every single month. They only have 1/20th of the advertisers as in google. Furthermore, you have less waste of your advertising budget because your ads are more targeted. You control the demographics; age, sex, hobby, location, education, marital status, etc. Remember all the information you put in your profile? Well, it can target the right people for your product enabling you to drive more targeted traffic to you.

Here are a few tips you need to know about writing a great ad.

· Turn your headline into a question and increase your open rate. (See beginning of article).
· If you use images, they need to tell a story and grab attention. Smiling faces get more clicks. Faces must be positive and radiant.
· Use text on your images.
· Make and keep your specific promise.
· Make your product stand out.
· Keep the ads simple.
· Use strong to call action.
· Make the user access what they came to the site for easily with no deception.

Facebook can disable your account if you have;

· Incorrect spelling, grammar or slang
· Incomplete thoughts
· Irrelevant images or content
· Abbreviations or symbols in place of words
· Offensive language
· Capitalization of words

Golden rule

Remember to Always Give Value. Your landing page must have a value giving video.(Another highly recommended social media advertising medium)
Better yet, use a sandwich page between your facebook ad and your landing page. A relevant free e-book or video for example, would be a valued item for your sandwich page.

Bidding Tips

· It is advisable to start bidding at $50 per day. You may be able to do more based on your monthly marketing budget.
· Use cost per click instead of cost per impression
· Bid half the recommended amount for 2 days then the highest recommended amount for a higher return on investment.
· Evaluate the performance of your campaign and make necessary adjustments as needed.

To discover other ways to get more high quality leads fast, go to one of my team sites

Let me know what you think of this post.... Comment below. Subscribe to my newsletter.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Success Tips of a Self-Made Millionaire- Part 2

1. Practice Self Discipline.

Self- Discipline is one of the most important quality for success in life. If you can discipline yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not, your success is almost guaranteed. The key to becoming a millionaire, lies deeply in your ability to set long term goals of becoming financially independent and then discipline yourself every single day to do only those things that will take you closer to your goal. Self Discipline will require, self-mastery, self-control, self-responsibility, and self-direction. Every act of self-discipline strengthens your other disciplines as well. Your self-esteem goes up any time you practice self-discipline as you like and respect yourself even more. Life is like a test. Every day, hour and minute, it seems like we are taking a different type of test. The test is of self-mastery, control and discipline to see if you can keep your mind on what you want and where you are going rather than thinking of all the things you do not want. When you pass each test you move up to the next grade. Success requires tons of discipline.

2. Unlock your Creativity.

Did you know that you are smarter than you ever imagined? So many times we have heard that we do not use even half of our brainpower. Your brain has 10 billion cells, each of which is connected to as many as 20, 000 other cells by a complex network of neurons and dendrites. Your ability to develop ideas to succeed are unlimited, which means your ability to succeed is unlimited as well. Stimulate your creativity in three ways; First think of intensely desired goals, second, pressing problems, and third,
focused questions. The more you focus your mind on your goals, solving your problems, and answering questions about your personal and professional life, the smarter you become. Remember your brain is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it becomes. So, remember, increase your intelligence by disciplining yourself to think creatively all day long. You will be amazed at the results!

3. Physical Health.

We hear every day of people living longer and better today more than ever. Do you know you can live up to 80,90 or even 100 in excellent health? Set a goal to live to be 80 years old and then ask yourself, Will your current health habits get you to the age of 80 in great shape? There are 3 keys to living a long and healthy life.
· Set a goal to maintain the proper weight and then remain lean for the rest of your life.
· Maintain a proper diet. Remember, half of the food on your plate should be of fruit and vegetables, a quarter of lean proteins and a quarter grains. Eliminate salt and sweets and start to eat smaller portions. Eat less and exercise more.
· The third key is exercise. You can get all the exercise you need by taking walks for about 30-60 minutes 3-5 days a week. If you are really serious, you can join a gym or work out from home.
Set clear and concise goals for your health and fitness every day. Remember, if your financial goal is to be a millionaire, your health goal should be to live long enough to enjoy life, once you’ve achieved that objective.

4. Failure is not an option.

A young journalist asked the founder of IBM how he could be more successful faster. Mr. Watson Sr. responded “If you want to be successful faster, you must double your rate of failure. Success lies on the far side of failure” Self-made millionaires are always willing to take risks. Dare to go forward. When you are faced with a risky situation, ask yourself what is the worst possible thing that could happen if I go ahead? Then, make sure it does not happen! Ralph W. Emerson wrote, “Make a habit throughout life of doing the things you fear. If you do the things you fear, then death of fear is certain”. Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid. Every act of courage increases the capacity for courage in the future. Commit yourself to being a self-made millionaire. Set specific goals, write them down and follow them consistently every day. Remind yourself in the face of all problems and difficulties, as Eugene Krantz head of mission control of Nasa said in the movie Apollo 13, when they faced danger in loosing the spacecraft and astronauts, he announced, “Failure is not an option!”

5. Network with successful people.

85% of your success and happiness in life is determined by the quality of the relationships that you develop in your personal and business activities. Successful people make a habit of building and maintaining networks of high quality relationships throughout their lives. As a result of this they accomplish more than an individual who goes home every night and watches television. Everything involves relationships. All your problems in life will come from bad relationships with the wrong people. All success in your life comes as a result of great relationships with good people who you help and whom you help in return. Be a chameleon with successful peoples attitude, behaviors and beliefs. At the same time stay away from negative people. Join industry associations, meetings and get involved in the community. If there is only one thing you take away from this article, take this, when you meet new people, ask them what they do and how you can send business their way. As soon as possible send them clients and show them that you are a go-giver rather than a go-getter. The more you give yourself without expecting anything in return, the more rewards will come back to you from the most unexpected sources.

6. Speed.

Develop a reputation for speed. People are less patient for everything. They want everything yesterday even if they knew nothing about the product. You can lose loyal customers overnight if they find someone who serves them faster. People who have a reputation of moving quickly attract more opportunities and possibilities to them. When you combine your ability to select your highest priority task with a commitment to getting it done quickly and well, you will find yourself moving to the front. More doors and opportunities will open for you than you ever imagine today.

7. Be prepared to climb from peak to peak.

All business life is made up of cycle and trends. There are up cycles and down cycles. Trends in business can lead to a complete change in the industry. We see this with technology and the Internet. Develop a long-term perspective. Take a look into the future of everything that you do. Plan 2,3, and 4 years into the future and remind yourself that everything moves in cycles. Be calm, confident and relaxed with short-term fluctuations in your fortune. With clear goals, the general trend in life will tend to be onward and upward over the years.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dyllis Nicol's Lesson

Hi Folks,

You may have noticed that I have been absent for a short while. I was being tested.I was thrown aback by a few unexpected life events. It is amazing, that as we go through our daily activites, we are taking tests every single minute. The important thing to remember is that they are there to teach us a lesson. In the face of adversity, always look for the seed of an equivalent benefit. Once your persistence and consistency are tested, it makes it harder to get back on track. Program your subconcious mind for persistence, well in advance of setbacks you will have on your way to success. I will go into a littler more detail on Part 3 of my Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires. For now, welcome back.I hope to see more of you again soon.